Legal Entity Name no longer concatenated with the absence type

Legal Entity Name no longer concatenated with the absence type – a much needed fix

When I first started working on Absence module in Fusion Release 8, I found out that employees see the Absence Type followed by the legal entity name in the dropdown. e.g. If you are an employee of ABC Global US and you want to apply for Vacation, you will see it as Vacation ABC Global US on the list. Now, imagine working for a legal entity ‘ABC California Legal Services LLC’ and planning to apply for vacation. Instead of simply seeing Vacation, the employee will see ‘Vacation ABC California Legal Services LLC’. which not intuitive for end users. My previous client was not happy when I demonstrated this particular absence configuration. We reached out to Oracle but nothing changed over the course of next few releases. Finally, with the latest patch in 13, I was relieved to see that the Legal Entity name is no longer concatenated with the absence type.

Screenshot from Release 12


Screenshot from Release 13

Legal Entity Name no longer getting concatenated with the absence type

Even though a simple change, I think this is a welcome feature and the customers are going to really appreciate it.

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